
Some of Sacred’s general behaviour is configurable via sacred.SETTINGS. Its entries can be set simply by importing and modifying it using dict or attribute notation:

from sacred import SETTINGS


Here is a brief list of all currently available options.

  • CAPTURE_MODE (default: ‘fd’ (linux/osx) or ‘sys’ (windows)) configure how stdout/stderr are captured. [‘no’, ‘sys’, ‘fd’]
  • DEFAULT_BEAT_INTERVAL (default: 10.0) Configures the default beat interval
    • ENFORCE_KEYS_MONGO_COMPATIBLE (default: True) Make sure all config keys are compatible with MongoDB.
    • ENFORCE_KEYS_JSONPICKLE_COMPATIBLE (default: True) Make sure all config keys are serializable with jsonpickle. IMPORTANT: Only deactivate if you know what you’re doing.
    • ENFORCE_VALID_PYTHON_IDENTIFIER_KEYS (default: False) Make sure all config keys are valid python identifiers.
    • ENFORCE_STRING_KEYS (default: False) Make sure all config keys are strings.
    • ENFORCE_KEYS_NO_EQUALS (default: True) Make sure no config key contains an equals sign.
    • IGNORED_COMMENTS (default: [‘^pylint:’, ‘^noinspection’]) List of regex patterns to filter out certain IDE or linter directives from in-line comments in the documentation.
    • READ_ONLY_CONFIG (default: True) Make the configuration read-only inside of captured functions. This only works to a limited extend because custom types cannot be controlled.
    • INCLUDE_GPU_INFO (default: True) Try to collect information about GPUs using the nvidia-smi tool. Deactivating this can cut the start-up time of a Sacred run by about 1 sec.
    • INCLUDE_CPU_INFO (default: True) Try to collect information about the CPU using py-cpuinfo. Deactivating this can cut the start-up time of a Sacred run by about 3 sec.
    • CAPTURED_ENV (default: []) List of ENVIRONMENT variable names to store in the host-info.
    • STRICT_PARSING (default: False) Disallow string fallback if parsing a value from command-line failed. This enforces the usage of quotes in the command-line. Note that this can be very tedious since bash removes one set of quotes, such that double quotes will be needed.